19 Oct 2022

Transpower has released its six-monthly monitoring report, which tracks how Aotearoa New Zealand’s energy system is measuring against the five key future scenarios detailed in the 2020 Whakamana i Te Mauri Hiko document.
The monitoring report points to a continuation of trends identified in March. New Zealand remains on track to meet an ‘Accelerated Electrification’ scenario, with continued growth in new generation enquiries, over 27 GW of potential generation interest in the pipeline, and the emergence of offshore wind as a significant potential player.
While the monitoring report notes that New Zealand’s renewable electricity will need to increase from 20% of total energy consumption to 36% in order to meet targets, key measures are consistently tracking with the large-scale transformation of energy required to enable a net zero carbon future.
For more information, please contact:
Senior Communications Advisor Anna Smaill on 021 394 042.
Press release WiTMH monitoring report September [ pdf 206.28 KB ]