Consultations & webinars

We are always available to meet and talk to people who want to understand more about what we do. Read more about engaging with us.

In addition to our engagement work, we formally consult on our largest projects and our 5-year regulated workplan. Read more about our consultation process

The table below provides dates and information about upcoming or current consultations and webinars. You can also view historical consultations following the links under 'Past consultations'.  

DatesTitleWebsite location
August 2024Update on undersea cable replacement - High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) link 

System Operator consultations

In our System Operator role, we undertake consultations and seek comment on a number of issues throughout the year. 

Find them here


Past consultations (Most recent first)
HVDC Stage 1 Enhancement Analysis, Net Zero Grid Pathways 1.1May 2024
Waikato Regional Interconnection Capacity Project - Long List consultationApr-May 2024
Review of the Connections Management FrameworkApr - May 2024
Murihiku Southland Electrification Development Plan - Tactical Options PaperOct - Nov 2023
Upper South Island upgrades consultation and non-transmission solutions request for informationAug - Oct 2023
Net Zero Grid Pathways (NZGP) 1.1 major capex proposal - updated preferred optionAugust 2023
Western Bay of Plenty longlist consultation and non-transmission solutions request for informationJuly 2023
Proposed starting benefit-based investment (BBI) customer allocations for two major projects in NZGP1Apr - Sep 2023
Proposed Information Disposal ScheduleJune 2023
System Operator: Draft Security of Supply AssessmentMay 2023
Annual outage plan 2023/24 consultationMar 2023
Proposed starting benefit-based investment (BBI) customer allocations for the HVDC Pole 2 refurbishmentJan - Mar 2023
2023 Security of Supply Assessment: Reference Case Assumptions and SensitivitiesNov - Dec 2022
RCP4 - consultation on our draft proposalSep - Nov 2022
Net Zero Grid Pathways - Phase 1 - Shortlist consultationJun - Aug 2022
REZ - Renewable Energy Zones National and Northland pilot consultationFeb - Apr 2022
Net Zero Grid Pathways - Phase 1 - Longlist consultationAug - Oct 2021
Net Zero Grid Pathways - Consultation to prioritise generation scenariosApr - Jun 2021
Net Zero Grid Pathways - Consultation on EDGS 2019 VariationsDec 2020 - Feb 2021