System Operator Customer Portal

Guidance for Asset Owners using our System Operator Customer Portal application.


The System Operator Customer Portal is an online platform where Asset Owners can manage a range of services managed by the System Operator. The Portal allows information to be submitted and shared between the System Operator and industry participants. Find below a description of the key applications you can find on the Portal, as well as links to our webpages dedicated to each service. You can access the applications themselves via the Portal.

Automatic Under Frequency Load Shedding (AUFLS)An automatic system to electrically disconnect demand to help restore system frequency following a severe under-frequency event. This application allows NI connected asset owner to submit their feeder configuration and annual load profile data.
Asset Capability Statement (ACS)Contains information required for the System Operator to determine limitations in the operation of the asset for safe and efficient operation of the grid.
Planned Outage Coordination Process (POCP)This application provides a mechanism that enable Asset Owners to provide information on their outages to the System Operator.  Industry participants can upload and view outage in order to manage and co-ordinate outage requirements of plant and equipment connected the New Zealand's National Grid.
New Zealand Generation Balance (NZGB)This application forecasts where there will be enough capacity to securely meet projected load on the power system.
Dispensations and Equivalence Arrangements (System Operator Register)This application is the register kept by the System Operator to record dispensations and equivalence arrangements in accordance with the Electricity Industry Participation Code. 

Registering for Access

To register for access to specific applications on the System Operator Customer Portal, you need to fill out FM-EA-938 Operations Customer Portal Admin Users Form and send the request to [email protected].

We also have the following guidance available to support you navigating the different applications:

DocumentWhat’s it for?
UG-SD-940 AUFLS Customer Portal Distributor User GuideUser guide for Distributor users of the AUFLS Portal.
AUFLS Customer Portal FAQs A document that covers key messages and frequently asked questions about the AUFLS Customer Portal.
AUFLS PlaylistYouTube playlist about AUFLS and navigating the Portal for this application.
UG-SD-961 ACS Customer Portal User Guide for Asset Owners User guide showing you how to use the ACS Customer Portal.
ACS Customer Portal FAQs Answers frequently asked questions about ACS.
ACS PlaylistYouTube playlist about ACS and navigating the Portal for this application.
Dispensations and Equivalence Arrangements
UG-SD-1071 Operations Customer Portal – SO Register Asset Owner User GuideUser guide for Asset Owners using the System Operator Register (for dispensations and equivalence arrangements)
Dispensation and Equivalence TutorialsYouTube playlist showing you how to navigate the System Operator Register for the purpose of applying for dispensations and equivalence arrangements.
UG-OC-841 NZGB - Application and Calculation User GuideUser guide for Asset Owners describing the features and use of the NZGB application.
NZGB TutorialsYouTube playlist about NZGB and navigating the Portal for this application.
UG-SD-989 Operations Customer Portal – POCP User GuideUser guide for Asset Owners describing the features and use of the POCP application.
POCP PlaylistYouTube playlist about POCP and navigating the Portal for this application.

Project Updates

The System Operator Customer Portal has grown out of a programme of work to improve how the System Operator shares information with industry participants. Learn more about this programme on the System Operator Customer Portal (OCP) Programme webpage. This programme is now complete. The System Operator will communicate with impacted stakeholders on any Customer Portal future changes and improvements. If you have questions, send us an email at [email protected].