Green Financing Framework

The development of Transpower’s Green Financing Framework (“Framework”) is a key step to support Transpower’s commitment to achieve a net-zero carbon transmission grid and support New Zealand’s commitment to net zero carbon targets.  By issuing “Green Financing Instruments” Transpower intends to align its funding strategy with its sustainability objectives.

Transpower has achieved a Programmatic Certification with the Climate Bonds Standard Version 3.0 published by Climate Bonds Initiative (December 2019).




As the green financing market evolves, Transpower’s Framework may be revised to reflect best market expectations and regulatory change.

Transpower may issue instruments under the Framework including:

  • Commercial paper
  • Bank facilities
  • Retailable bonds
  • Wholesale bonds
  • Floating Rate Notes
  • Bonds or notes issued in other offshore jurisdictions collectively the Green Financing Instruments, or Green Bonds.

Transpower New Zealand Limited Green Financing Framework - April 2022

Transpower New Zealand Limited Green Financing Framework – Independent Assurance Report

Annual Green Bond reports

Transpower Green Bond report (August 2023)

Transpower Green Bond report (April 2023)

Transpower New Zealand Limited – Eligible Assets

Eligible assets, class and location of Transpower’s Green Financing Programme are listed below.


Nominated AssetClassCountry
HVAC transmission linesElectrical Grids and StorageNew Zealand
HVDC transmission lines
HVAC substations
HVAC substations and submarine cables