Load by operational zone

The New Zealand power system is split into 14 operational zones. The graphic on this page displays loads in each operational zone, as taken from the System Operator's SCADA system. Combined, these values represent total power demand across the country.

SCADA is the System Operator's primary tool for controlling the transmission network and is the source of critical information for the electricity market system as well as for local lines companies. 

Current Zone Load
as at minutes ago
Location 13:25 05 10 15 20 25 30
GZ1 Northland 475 479 480 479 481 483 483
GZ2 Auckland 882 883 889 896 900 901 910
GZ3 Hamilton 459 458 460 461 459 460 457
GZ4 Edgecumbe 299 301 300 299 304 306 307
GZ5 Hawkes Bay 147 150 150 150 151 150 150
GZ6 Taranaki 148 149 149 149 149 151 151
GZ7 Bunnythorpe 172 172 172 172 173 174 175
GZ8 Wellington 322 323 320 325 327 322 326
GZ9 Nelson 148 144 143 145 146 145 146
GZ10 Christchurch 334 336 338 338 337 339 338
GZ11 Canterbury 205 206 205 204 208 200 198
GZ12 West Coast 41 43 44 43 43 43 43
GZ13 Otago 161 161 161 162 162 162 160
GZ14 Southland 789 792 793 797 791 799 791
Total 4583 4593 4604 4621 4631 4634 4633


Availability and use of data

We publish this and other live data on our website on a best-effort basis. We monitor the live data to ensure it is updating between 8am and 5pm on business days. If it is not updating outside of these times, we will be unlikely to resolve it until we open for business the next morning.

This is indicative information only and we take no responsibility for actions taken by any party based on this information.