System events and assessments

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Transpower as System Operator prepares assessments and reports on system events and situations that might pose risks to system operations.     

20 Jun 2024

Northland Loss of Supply

This document outlines the system operator's initial summary of facts around the Northland loss of supply incident on 20 June 2024.

Feb/ Mar 2023

Southland Low Generation

Low hydro inflows in the Southland region had the potential, if the situation had worsened, to lead to security issues. This report outlines the potential issues and reconfiguration options.

14 Feb 2023

Cyclone Gabrielle

Flooding during Cyclone Gabrielle caused extensive damage at our Redclyffe substation in Hawke’s Bay, resulting in the loss of electricity supply to Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti.

9 Aug 2021

Grid Emergency: Shortfall event

On 9 Aug 2021 the country faced the largest demand peak in response to one of the coldest nights of the year. As system operator, we called a Grid Emergency when insufficient generation was available to meet demand, leading to some customers being disconnected. A number of reviews of this event are underway including an independent review commissioned by Transpower to help us understand the event and industry’s response on the night, to identify where we need to make changes. As system operator, we have a programme of work underway to address recommendations from each of the reports, which includes industry engagement.

Reports and information relating to this event are located here.