Climate-related disclosures

Climate change is integral to our business, both in terms of the risks it presents to our assets and how it drives electrification. We have produced a climate-related disclosures document to complement our latest Integrated Report. It includes:

  • Our Board’s role in overseeing climate-related risks and opportunities, and management’s role in assessing and managing those risks and opportunities.
  • How climate change is currently impacting us and how it may do so in the future. This includes our climate change scenario analysis, the climate-related risks and opportunities we have identified (including anticipated impacts and financial impacts) and how we will position ourselves as the global and domestic economy transitions towards a low-emissions, climate-resilient future.
  • How our climate-related risks are identified, assessed, and managed and how these processes are integrated into existing risk management processes.
  • How we measure and manage climate-related risks and opportunities.

We are committed to providing climate-related disclosures for several reasons:

  • We are a debt issuer under the NZX and have a number of subsidiaries and carry out group reporting
  • We are a reporting organisation under the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act 2019 (Zero Carbon Act)
  • We are a signatory to the New Zealand Climate Leaders Coalition and have committed to voluntarily measuring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions, setting a public emissions reduction target and working with our suppliers to reduce their emissions. You can read more about our latest emissions and what we’re doing to manage them here.