Connecting generation

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Connecting generation to the New Zealand power system - grid owner requirements

Find out more about how to engage with Transpower as the grid owner and connect your generation asset to the national grid.

Connecting generation to the New Zealand power system - System Operator requirements

A Generation Connection Guide is available to help applicants understand the process for engaging with Transpower as the System Operator when connecting to the New Zealand power system, at both grid and distribution levels.

For further information about connecting new generation to the New Zealand power system email the Customer Solutions Team.

Intention to Submit Offers

Generators are required to notify the system operator before making an offer for the first time, and to provide the system operator with information needed for scheduling and dispatch.

The Generator Notice of Initial Offer are to be completed and emailed to [email protected]. Signed originals must be posted to:
Market Insights Team
System Operations
Transpower New Zealand Ltd
PO Box 1021

Inverter based technology generation (eg. wind, solar)

Parties considering inverter based technology generation investment in New Zealand (whether or not they expect it to be connected directly to the grid) should contact Transpower as soon as possible to discuss connection and/or asset owner obligations.

The nature of the New Zealand power system (small and islanded) means there are technical requirements for generation that can be more onerous than those found in the larger interconnected grids of other countries.

Transpower is keen to help interested parties by providing as much information as possible on these issues. We will treat all inquiries and discussions about future connection as confidential.

To begin discussions with Transpower contact Customer Solutions ([email protected]) or call +64 (0)4 590 7111.

System Operator companion guides for commissioning generation

We have published a number of commissioning generation guides to help existing and new asset owners alike understand the process they will need to follow with the System Operator to develop and agree a commissioning plan for generation greater than 1 MW in size.

For further information about any of the documents listed below email [email protected].

This document provides requirements for the typical activities that need to be completed when planning for, commissioning and testing or decommissioning generation, and the minimum lead times for critical tasks.
A guide to help existing and new Asset Owners to understand when to interact with the System Operator during the life of their project, feasibility stage through to commissioning.
A document to help existing and new Asset Owners understand the technical studies needed to demonstrate Asset Owner Performance Obligations to the satisfaction of the System Operator. This in turn will streamline the agreement of the required commissioning plan.
This guide explains the various sections in the Commissioning Plan Template (see DT-EA-338 below) and gives an indication on the sort of the information that is expected to be entered by the Asset Owner.
A template for a Commissioning plan, which will need to be completed and agreed with the System Operator as part of commissioning. (See Guide GL-EA-974 above)
A template for a Decommissioning plan, which will need to be completed and agreed with the System Operator as part of decommissioning.
Intention to connect registration form which needs to be completed by the Asset Owner of any new generators or energy storage systems, they plan to connect with a maximum capacity of 1 MW or greater.

Operational guidelines for connection of new generation technology

We have published an Interim Guideline for Connection of New Generation Technology to provide guidance to expedite the entry of new generating technologies into the power system and wholesale market.

The document sets out the key considerations and obligations when connecting new generation technology to the power system such as engagement with Transpower as both the System Operator and the grid owner, registration as a participant, metering and operational communication requirements.

This document has been prepared based on the current arrangements and obligations in the Electricity Industry Participation Code, which is subject to review by the Electricity Authority. This document assumes asset owners are familiar with the other Transpower supporting documentation and guidelines, including GL-EA-404 Generation Commissioning and Decommissioning Requirements.

A document to support participation of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), inverter connected solar farms and Dispatch Notified Generation (DNG) in the wholesale energy market.

Standard site codes

Across the industry we use a set of standard site names and three letter codes. These codes are managed for the industry by Transpower.

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